Los Álamos, Carretera a Villa Canales, Guatemala.
(502) 2448-1825

Author: Iglesia Luterana Agustina de Guatemala

ILAG | Iglesia Luterana Agustina de Guatemala

New year for MILAGRO educational center

The resident ladies of the MILAGRO Educational Center arrived with joy for their new 2021 school year in the last week of January, to begin the development of their technical, intellectual and spiritual skills. A new year of changes is beginning, We give thanks to God.

Visit of the Zielske Family

Visit of the Zielske family to work with Colegio Luterano Agustino de Guatemala and Centro Educativo MILAGRO, delivering story books for children, didactic material for teachers, and novel books for the MILAGRO center.

Letter from the Lutheran World Federation to Latin American Governments

This is a letter of the member churches of the Lutheran World Federation speaking to the governments of the Latin American region, due to COVID19.

2020 Virtual Guatemala Gala

Join us for the Virtual Guatemala Gala 2020 The Southeastern Synod is hosting a Virtual Gala this year as they have been doing the last two years, to raise funds for the MILAGRO Women’s Education Center. The gala will be held tomorrow September 12th. at 7PM EDT Visit www.elca-ses.org/gala for more information.

23 Years of Peace Accords

After 36 years of internal armed conflict that the Guatemalan population lived through, finally on December 29, 1996, the signing of a firm and lasting peace between the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity (URNG) and the State of Guatemala was carried out in Guatemala. event that ended the conflict. La Iglesia Luterana Agustina de Guatemala participated…
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New Place for the Lutheran School!

We want to thank God and all the people involved in making this possible. The Lutheran School is moving to a new and bigger place, so the students can be more comfortable and they can learn better. Here’s a video that was filmed to show the initial state of the new building when we first…
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20th Anniversary of Jesús de los Milagros, Israel | Pastoral Visit

Israel: We made a visit to Israel celebrating its 20th anniversary. Activities such as Bible studies with women, Bible studies with men and a lot of activities with children were carried out. There were talks about the MILAGRO program and there are 4 girls who can join the program next year. We had a worship…
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The Beggining of a Long Road | Pastoral Visit

Vergel II: We visited this community at their own request with the pastoral team and the leader of the Jesus of Miracles Church in Israel. This village it’s located 30 minutes away from the Israel Village We had a conversation with Don Juan Ich Coy, we talked about what the Lutheran Church is about, the…
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Christ The King and Our Savior’s Visit to Zaculeu

Delegations from Christ The King and Our Savior’s visited Zaculeu to do some work in the church and to share with the people of the village.  They planted trees around the church so that it always stays fresh and with good air circulation. They also painted the church. It looks beautiful! They are back at…
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Changes are Good | Leadership Development Retreat

On May 17th we started our Leadership Development Retreat, .  This time we use a different training methodology. We gather each group of leaders of all the churches into the three different regions where they are located, Alta Verapaz/Cobán, Ixcán/Quiché and Petén.  We shared teachings of Lutheran Doctrine, Liturgy and Finances.  During this time we…
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