Los Álamos, Carretera a Villa Canales, Guatemala.
(502) 2448-1825




MILAGRO (MIRACLE) Women’s Education Center at the Augustinian Lutheran Center of Guatemala in Guatemala City. Rural women will attend the MILAGRO Women’s Education Center to continue their education and develop a wide range of skills vital to a future of improved daily living. Utilizing these skills, the women will be empowered to return to their communities to start a sustainable business, to serve as leaders and examples to be followed in their churches, community and family.


To break the cycle of poverty in the rural areas of Guatemala where ILAG has a presence, bringing about changes in young women between 12 and 20 years of age. The young women selected will be active members of the Augustinian Lutheran Church of Guatemala and will have the opportunity to: develop their leadership skills, learn a trade that could provide them with an income to be economically independent, develop their self-esteem, learn to express their needs, know their civil rights as Guatemalan women, and be able to control their bodies as their property and nobody else’s.


Transforming future leaders, empowering women today.


Rural women will attend the MILAGRO Women’s Education Center to continue their education and develop a wide range of skills vital to a future of improved daily living. Utilizing these skills, the women will be empowered to return to their communities to start a sustainable business, to serve as leaders and examples to be followed in their churches, community and family; they will serve as teachers for future generations of young women and girls.
