Los Álamos, Carretera a Villa Canales, Guatemala.
(502) 2448-1825

Leadership Retreat

Leadership Retreat

Last weekend we had a very good leadership retreat, with the participation of almost all of the churches, but unfortunately, El Tuerto did not arrive. They are preparing for their partnership visit that arrives this Thursday. In the retreat Pastor Salvador gave a class on administration, very good stewardship. Pastor Salvador is an excellent administrator, and it was a good class. Santos Chun of Santa Elena 20 de Octubre, gave a class on the correct way to sow in times of climate change and the stewardship of nature as God has recommended. It was another excellent class. The ILAG made some connections with the MAGA, the Chamber of Commerce of Guatemala, and some shipping companies to see how to export products produced in the communities and we had a first talk with the leaders and finally, an official letter was received from the Lutheran World Federation regarding the approval of our Federation membership, we are very happy about that.


